

"place an order" 和"make an order " 的差別在哪裡?

2019年1月13日 — make an order - meaning, you need to make the order (you haven't ordered it yet). 查看翻譯.

Place An Order的意思

2014年11月10日 — So you call up a Canadian lumber mill, tell them you'd like to place an order... 所以你打給一間加拿大木材工廠,告訴他們你想要下訂單...

place your order - 英中


place your order 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

單字背了又忘?試試VoiceTube 精心研發的線上課程吧! place your order.

place your order-翻译为中文


Place Your Orders - NRICH

Place Your Orders printable worksheet. Have a look at the sets of four quantities below. Can you rank them in order from smallest to largest?

placing of orders - 英中

6.1.1 Customers have the option of placing orders for products for delivery to their address in Hong Kong or their address at certain Dragonair destination ...

To place an order meaning in English

To place an order definition in English.

